Frequently Asked Questions

What if my child does not have their own phone to receive the text messages?
No worries! Many of our customers will have the messages sent to their phones and read the messages out loud to their children. This is a great way to spend a few special moments together with every new message. In fact, most of our customers do it this way.

When are messages sent?
Our software begins building and sending the holiday messages around noon Eastern each day during the days of your selected holiday (Dec 1 -24 for Christmas as an example). Depending on your cell carrier and available cell service, you should expect to receive messages shortly after.

Can I sign up at any time?
Of course! You can sign up for any holiday we offer at any time you wish. Please note, if you sign up after messages begin for your selected holiday, you will miss receiving some of the first messages for that holiday.

Do I have to create an account to sign up?
No account creation, ever. Once you sign up and submit payment, that's it. No account is created and no passwords to rememeber. We make it easy to add holiday magic for your child. We only ask for the few details required to get you going.

What methods of payment are accepted?
We accept all major credit cards using our partnership with Stripe. Stripe is compliant with all PCI DSS requirements. No payment information is handled or stored with us.

I have a promo code. How do I use it?
Using a valid promo code is simple. Enter the valid promo code during the initial sign up process and it will automatically be applied during checkout.

Who is DigiConn?
DigiConn is digital communications company offering bulk messaging for other business and organizations via SMS, MMS, and voice. DigiConn owns and operates

How are the messages created and sent?
DigiConn built their own software capable of building and sending tens of thousands of messages every day. With our partnership with the top cell carriers covering 99% of the US population, we can send messages at a very rapid rate.

Is my information sold?
Never. DigiConn ( only asks for the information needed to process the transaction and send the messages. We will never give away or sell your information.

Can messages be sent outside the USA?
Our partnership with the cell carriers only authorizes us to send messages within the USA. At this time we are unable to send international messages.

Christmas Messages | Holiday Messages